Saturday 3 January 2015

Daily posts

Good afternoon all!

So I've been trying to thing of "special posts" to do on specific days and after some online inspiration from other ladies on Blogspot & IG these are the ones I'm going to be doing.

Modcloth Monday - This appears to be a popular one and one I definitely want to start doing. I'm hoping it will be both reviews and wishlist items!

Tutorial Tuesday - This will be starting once I get a webcam in the coming months. Hair and makeup tutorials will be on the way!

Wishlist Wednesday - Items on my current wishlist from all brands I love!

Frisky Friday - I'll be doing this once a fortnight and it will basically be reviews on specifically lingerie!

Sewing Sunday - This one will begin once my sewing adventures begin in the coming few months

I'll also be posting reviews on any existing and new products I have, daily OOTD posts and other goodies!

Thank you all for reading!

Missi aka Miss Osiria Rose 


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